Your Complete Guide to Kimonos and Jewellery

You found the perfect kimono and today is the day for its debut. You put it on and it’s as gorgeous as you imagined it would be. But...Something is missing.


But where do you even begin? A little confused about which jewellery look best with which kimono? No worries. We’ve got you covered.

Simple and Tasteful

Since kimonos are usually decorated in some fashion, it’s best not to compete with them by wearing loud jewellery that begs for all the attention. The goal is to wear pieces that complement each kimono and portray the reason you’re wearing it.

A lot of this has to do with what you’re wearing under your kimono. Are you ultra casual, wearing a stunning bathing suit with a short kimono? Or are you wearing a cute little outfit and long kimono or kaftan? That makes all the difference.

Let’s take a look at some examples so you can see for yourself.

Feminine kimono with purple accented jewelleryA Tasseled Look

Who doesn’t love tassels? Imagine how Urban Diva’s purple stone tassel necklace would look with its semi-precious purple stone against our Zara Rose kimono. It provides that pop of purple color to go with the colorful, feminine and flowery look.

Remember: Complement vs Compete




A Little Bit CasualCasual and fun kimono with necklace

So we go from long and flowing to short and sweet. Our Angela Yellow Chiffon kimono in the short length is great with your casual outfit of shorts and a tank. Still, you want to spruce it up a little, right? This crescent tribal fringe necklace plays off of the grey/yellow tones and vintage print. Do you sense a boho vibe?




Hollywood Glam Kimono and JewelleryGlam It Up a Little

We’re not talking ultra dressed-up, but rather a bit of ‘Hollywood’ coming to your style. These are the days where you feel like you want a little bit more than your average outfit. If you want to impress while feeling like the beauty you are, try our Victoria Royal Blue Paisley Silk kimono with the Angelica necklace. Elegance and sophistication with a modern flair.



Jumpuit/Romper with CuffTime for the Cuffs

Our rompers are playful, comfortable and stylish. What a better way to go around town than in a garment like this? Such a stunning piece really needs jewellery that pops. How about trying a gold cuff? It’s just the right amount of ‘punch’ without overwhelming the outfit.

Need more? A simple, delicate necklace with an understated ring can provide you with a little ‘more’ without going overboard.


Turquoise Kimono and Accent JewelleryTurquoise Love

The color turquoise is like no other. It brings out the best in a person whether it’s through clothing or jewellery. Turquoise draws the eyes of each passerby with some kind of magnetism.

Take a look at our Hanna Boho Babe Kimono. Now add this stunning Dreamcatcher Tassel necklace to the mix. Just enough to accentuate the color without it being too much. Gorgeous, isn’t it?


Whatever look you want, with whatever kimono you’re wearing, there are incredible pieces to help finish the look from Urban Diva.

Looking for iland co.’s accessories? They’re available at the pop-up shops so take a look!

What are your favorite accessories to wear with kimonos?

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