5 Amazing Travel Jobs


Do you dream of travelling the world?


No matter if your dream is of luxury destinations or exploring exciting new places off the beaten track, the biggest problem in realising this dream for most of us is finding the money to fund our wanderlust.


Did you know there is a better way than working hard all year to save up for a yearly holiday? Getting paid while travelling.


We’ve discovered 5 of the best jobs that let you travel while being paid! Talk about a win-win.


Become a Tour Guide


Do you dream of being paid while Traveling? Become a tour guide.


A tour guide is a great option for you if you love to chat and help people. There are a couple of ways to approach this amazing travel job. Maybe you would like to become a tour guide for a company based in your home country but provides amazing tours around the world? Or how about picking your dream destination, immersing yourself in the culture and become a specialist guide?  You could even tie in another passion such as photography or food and create your own travel job by providing unique travel tours. 

Is it my dream travel job?

This travel job is the chance to have a lot of fun while meeting people from all around the globe. You will need to have great people skills, be an excellent problem solver and a passion to share your knowledge. 

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If you choose to go with the larger companies like Busabout or Contiki, think about the demographics of people travelling with the tours and destinations covered then head over to the website of the company that will best fit you. Most will have a ‘work with us’ or ‘careers’ page. Expect intensive training and a long interview process. 

If you would rather work for yourself make sure you know all the rules and regulations for the place that you want to set up your tours in. 


Become a Flight Attendant


Dream Travel Job - Air Attendant


Although it’s not all glitz and glamour, becoming a flight attendant may be one of easiest ways to get paid while travelling. You get to jet-set around the globe, discover a new city and location for a day or two before doing it all again. 

As an added bonus think of all those discounted flights for you and your family. 

Is it my dream travel job?

You will need to have strong customer service skills for this role. Being able to cope with crazy hours, the odd difficult passenger and a hectic lifestyle is also a must.

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Find airlines that you would like to work for and head over to their website to search for what qualifications and requirements are needed to work for them. Competition may be fierce and remember you may not land those international gigs straight away. Another point is that not all airlines are created equally. Some may provide amazing perks like accommodation in their base countries, others you may find a lot of out of pocket expenses. Do your research. You may find this article helpful. 


 Join the Peace Corps


Dream Travel Job - Peace Corps


How about making a difference while travelling? Although you will only make a modest living, you will be gaining something infinitely more valuable. There are many different assignment opportunities ranging from agriculture to teaching English so why not take a look and see where your skills could make a difference.   

Is it my dream travel job?

You will likely be heading to poor and developing countries. This is not for those that like to travel in luxury. It is however an amazing opportunity to do something truly rewarding, learn valuable skills and meet amazing people. Head over to their website and see what work you can do and the different places Peace Corps volunteers go. 

Show me how

Head over to the Peace Corps website application process page for more info.   


 Work on a Cruise Ship


Dream Travel Job - Cruise Ship Worker


Dreaming of a job that lets you see the world, gives you accommodation, meals and is a whole lot of fun while making new friends with the rest of the crew? Working on a cruise ship may be your dream travel job. With the cruise industry booming there are plenty of jobs available although they can be highly sought after. 

If working on the larger companies doesn't really rock your boat how about working on smaller yachts cruising around the Mediterranean or Pacific Islands?

Is it my dream travel job?

Working on a cruise ship can involve long hours, especially on sea days. You will have to lock yourself into a contract, usually for a few months at a time. It is also worth noting that, yes you will get free time to explore ports but this time will be limited and depending on your position onboard it can also rostered. 

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The greatest thing about cruise ship work is an amazingly wide variety of jobs available onboard ranging from photographers, entertainers, hospitality to working with children. Check out All Cruise Jobs and websites for the bigger companies like Royal Caribbean and Carnival Cruises for current openings. 


 Become a digital Nomad


Dream Travel Job - Digital Nomad


The sky really is the limit if you can work from your laptop. You have the freedom to travel wherever you choose and pick the hours you work. 
The limit of digital nomad jobs depends on how creative you want to be. How about becoming a Website designer, blogger, travel writer, VA ( Virtual Assisstant) or graphic designer? Maybe you could Freelance your skill? Or how about become a wandering photographer doing destination weddings or location shoots. Another option could be you starting an online business. Your business allows you to work from anywhere you choose in the world. 

Is it my dream travel job?

Although it sounds dreamy and easy, being a digital nomad takes dedication, organisation and hard work. If you decide to take this option you need to be great at selling yourself, not underpricing your skills and being ready to hustle to make enough to travel. Finding locations with great wifi is a must. 

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There are as many different ways to make this happen as there are ways to make money.

Freelancing? Check out sites like Upwork and fiverr. Thinking stock photography? Head to stock . Looking for inspiration? We love Tim Ferris and Chris Guillebeau

Traveling the world while making money doesn't have to be just a dream. There are so many ways to make this a reality. Why not get started right now and make your wanderlust desires come true. 

Got a better idea to make money while travelling? Why not join the conversation over on Facebook?



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