Spring Clean Your Wardrboe Now - Get Our Ultimate Wardrobe Spring Clean How to!

Our Ultimate Spring Wardrobe Spring Clean Guide is here!


Your ultimate wardrobe spring clean guide


Got your eye on some new items for the warmer weather?

Spring is the perfect time to do a clean out of your current wardrobe and make space for new pieces.

So we thought here at iland co. we'd help you along by creating a  have put quick guide to help you make some room in your life and your wardrobe!

Step 1: SORT into 3 piles - Keep, Sell/Donate or Trash 


If you run into trouble deciding which items go into which pile, here are some tips.

Tip 1: If you have not worn it in a year and it's not a classic or designer piece, chances are you are probably not going to wear it any time soon. Donate if it's in good condition - otherwise trash!

Tip 2: Still got the tag on? You probably not going to wear it. If it's still current try selling in on Ebay or Gum Tree, otherwise donate.

Tip 3: Makes you feel less then fabulous? Sell or Donate

Tip 4: Doesn't fit well, is stretched or damaged? Donate or Trash

Tip 5: Sort your clothes into outfits. This can help identify out of place items or things that could be donated as you don't have anything to match the item with... or... keep it if you love it and it looks fab on you and put a matching item on your wishlist for Spring.



Ok so you've sorted your wardrobe like a total ninja, and have freed up a head of space to start putting together some Spring/Summer outfits.  This brings us to step number 2.


Step 2: Rebuild & take note of what's missing

This is the fun part!  Take note of what is left, and figure out what key pieces are missing or could add versatility to what you have. 

Invest in good quality staples in the base colours that work for you.  Think  good quality and classic shaped items such as jeans, trousers, tees, shorts, skirts and blazers in neutral colours from which you could build. 

Think black, navy, grey, white, khaki, blush or beige for your classic, foundational wardrobe pieces as they are easy to add a splash of colour to with kimonos, accessories, shoes, handbags or similar.

Linen tops in neutral colours


Have you seen our 100% linen tops in neutral colours?  

They work great with almost anything, including on their own or under a work blazer, denim jacket or kimono.  At only $49 they are a steal!

When in doubt, throw out!

Do not keep clothes in the hope that you will be 3 sizes smaller one day.  You are just torturing yourself and using up much needed wardrobe space that could used with new, fabulous pieces that fit you NOW.

And one last tip. 

Once you have donated, or trashed your unwanted items and are left with your new fabulous freshly spring cleaned wardrobe, put them back on the hangers with the hangers turned in the opposite direction. 

When you wear an item, turn the hanger back around the correct way and keep an eye on all the hangers facing the wrong way.... cause in 6 or 12 months time... you can spring clean your wardrobe again and ditch this item too!

This brings us to Step 3 SHOP FOR YOUR SPRING LOOK NOW 

Happy sorting!


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